On 26th Jan, our RWA celebrates the Republic day. On this day one of the senior citizen of the society unfurl the Flag and then office bearer of the RWA gives speeches. Children do cultural program and celebration ends with luncheon.
Unfortunately I could not participate in the celebration due to some other commitments. However, I have listened to one of the speeches delivered by Secretary of the RWA. Though the speech was in Hindi, I try to translate it. " We should live with honesty and do the hard work. We have to move forward the country by our hard work......." After end of the speech everyone clapped and anchorperson repeated the sentence.."Yes yes sahib, we will move forward the country...."
My watch stopped here. I was thinking how a common man like me can move forward the country? Is it something like a broken truck, to which, we need to give a hard push so that It can move forward? I look around in my neighbourhood. Fist thing I noticed, illegal extensions of the apartments, for which every resident has greased the palm of every stakeholders. Our Hon'ble speaker was among the firsts to get his apartment extended. So no Honesty here...It was merely a speech, which he intended to deliver like any other politician. There was clearly a difference in his sayings and deeds.
Our great leaders and religious gurus have set the expectations from the common man to contribute his share in moving forward the country by:-
remain satisfied,
obeying the complex laws,
paying heavy taxes,
not paying bribe to settle your traffic rules violation or reduction in electricity bill etc etc
The list is endless.....
But does it really matter for a country, which is run with corrupt practises by corrupt people. Riches are becoming more rich...they race to come in to Forbes most influential/ wealthy list...We are proud that Indians are finding place in that list. India is moving forward.
How a common man can contribute in it? I am still trying to get a definitive answer..
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